In Fairfield Queensland, it’s currently 22° at 04:36 AM.
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We could have not have asked for better weather. During our seven day stay during early July 2024, it was perfect blue sky’s with a hint of puffy white clouds. Our pre trip research gave us misleading information about the cost of staying at Singapore is expensive. We found to the contrary with a bottle of Coke costing as little as $1.20, beer $5 and average meal cost around $10-$20. The only truth to high cost there is accommodation. About twice that of Australia.
Primarily 3 noticeable cultures. Singaporeans, Indians and Chinese. I was surprised with the number of of Indian tourist appearing to outnumber us Caucasians. Everyone was friendly. Population more than double that of Brisbane, having fewer cars on the streets with no congestion. Brisbane could learn a lot from how well public transport is managed in Singapore. I can’t help notice how Queensland politicians are much like horses. Lead em to water but you can’t make them drink